— The client has given a list of objectives which are as follows:
— To travel within the campus for the disabled and help the older people visiting the campus.
— It must also act as shuttle between the college campus and the hostels (boys & girls) for the needy students.
— It must be simple and well furnished.
— It must accommodate 3+1 persons with small luggage space.
— A technological approach from BVB students.
Objective of the engine selection
— Selection of engine to run the generator.
— Engine should run the generator to produce electric. current until the battery is charged.
— Preferred engine should be S.I. (petrol).
— Four stroke is preferred.
— Low maintenance.
Engine power
— The generators are 70% efficient.
— Engine 1.428 * p
— Where to generate 2k of electricity we need to use 2.856 K.W
— Different engines available in market.
— Still we need to decide whether to use the commercial generator or to prepare full assembly of the generator.
Selection of engine for hybrid vehicle
— If we select series hybrid then, engine is used to generate electricity.
— In Parallel connection engine used drive the vehicle as well as to generate the electricity.
Other combinations of hybrids are there they are complicated.
— Reasonable Efficiencies to use for cycle comparisons
Electric Motor (Peak) η = 95%
Electric Motor (Peak) η = 95%
• Transmission Efficiency (0.95) = 1)-(Rη
• Battery Efficiency (Regen) η = 75-85%
• Battery & Generator Efficiency (Regen) η = 50-55%
• Battery & Motor Efficiency (Accel) η = 80%
• Solar Cell Efficiency η = 15%
• IC Engine (Peak Efficiency) η = 30%
• Flywheel Efficiency (Storage and Conversion Average) η = 70
Simple calculation
— Power required to run the vehicle.
— Paero=(12.86*10-6)*cdAV(V+Vo)2
— Prr=(2.72*10-3)*Crr*M*V
— Paero=0.7914kW
— Prr=1.3056kW
— Pgr=0.335 kW
— Total power = 2.432284 kW
— From above data 50% is the loss in conversion from mechanical to electrical and from battery to mechanical .
— Power required is = Ptotel+1/2 Ptotel
— Power required =3.64827 kW
— From the above calculation we come to know that power required running series hybrid is 3.648 kW.